Introducing the Reconnect Program
There was a time in my life that I desperately struggled with my body image.
Regardless how slim, fit and confident I may have been, I was battling an unhealthy, toxic relationship with my body.
Over the years, as with many women, life experiences caused my weight to fluctuate. Pregnancies in quick succession, gut issues, living abroad and travel, stressful life changes; but it wasn't the scales I had an issue with.
Suffering with self doubt happens to the best of us, sometimes even the most confident. And it took years to recognise that it had actually held me back from many an opportunity.
I sometimes panicked in certain social situations, terrified to do things on my own, and yet I appeared to ooze in confidence. Honestly, I was a walking contradiction.
Somehow, at some point, despite my healthy understanding of how to dress my body, I was paying paid little to no attention on how I was fueling it.
It wasn’t until I fell into coaching other women on self acceptance, that I began to understand how I truly felt about my OWN body and started to listen to my internal dialogue.
Like most things, it took time, experience and plenty of self discovery to reach a level of comfort, contentment and self awareness.
This is why I focus heavily on confidence and not just styling here at Inna Moment.
It's why I strive to help women achieve their OWN confidence and body positivity.
And it's why I've created a new six week program just for YOU!
If you're feeling self-conscious about your body, constantly comparing yourself to others, suffering with anxiety in relation to your self image, avoiding social situations due to lack of confidence or all of this and more, this new six week mentorship program teaches that self confidence starts in the MIND, not in the mirror and that our self image influences our daily lives and the choices we make, from what we eat, how efficient we are, to how we relate to others.
This is not a quick fix, nor is it about weight loss.
Through my teachings, we address insecurities, misconceptions and self-doubt and implement achievable self-care routines, with tools to change your mindset for the better that will manifest in the areas of your life you want change.
Investing in yourself isn't always easy. It's a process that requires your time and patience but OMG is it worth it.
Want more info? Let’s chat ☕️