Uncomplicated Body Image
I'm no health expert and I don't have all the answers but I am well versed in the subject of body image. And I do know that one of the most complicated relationships we will ever have is the one we have with our bodies. From a personal perspective, I know what it's like to be super slim, never having to worry about what I ate or what I looked like in a short skirt and a too tight top. I know what it's like to be uncomfortably overweight and disappointed/perplexed in how I got there and stayed there, even after babies. I've experienced rapid weight gain, and the kind that creeps up slowly. I battled an eating disorder and an unhealthy relationship with food and a self critical eye for my reflection. I've been through these negative experiences and I've successfully overcome them, so I feel I have some wisdom, some level of understanding and some 'girl to girl right' to tell you this . . . There is no "right way" to eat, maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise and love the skin you're in. We are all so vastly different - from our body shape and size to our inner workings. And it's so incredibly important to be mindful of this as we take on information about how to best look after ourselves. So let's just uncomplicate it. Let's just strive to be more in tune with our bodies, as they are.