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Wardrobe Staples : Statement Necklaces
Not only are statement necklaces the most cost effective, quickest and simplest way to add fun, colour, texture and interest to your outfit, they are the perfect way to express your personality. And nothing says 'here I am' quite like a statement necklace.
A statement necklace can add an accent or contrasting colour to your outfit, which will totally vamp up the appearance of a plain black dress, for example.
Not only does a piece of neck bling up top, draw attention to your face - which is always a good thing - it does SO MUCH to enhance your entire look.
As for material, wooden or resin beads can give a semi-casual look, as opposed to choosing crystals and sparkly beads that appear more formal and sophisticated. But regardless what your preference, adding a statement necklace to any outfit will have you instantly looking more put together.
I also recommend wearing statement necklaces to my more reserved ladies, simply because they're a fabulous conversation starter. Wearing something that draws people's attention will get comments - so helpful when you walk into a room full of strangers and you're not sure what or how to begin dialogue.
I'm obsessed with statement necklaces myself. You really can never have enough. And when they're as little as $10 or $20, it's easy and cost effective to load up and get plenty of wear outta them.