How Much Is This Styling Stuff Gonna Cost Me?
By now it should be blatantly obvious to you all that styling IS attainable and not just for the rich and famous. The every day woman CAN employ the help of a stylist and - call me biased - I think everyone should, at least once.
Most women have hair stylists and beauty therapists, why not a fashion stylist too?
But, despite the fact that the world is learning stylists aren't out of reach, there still remains plenty of misconceptions with regards to how much a personal stylist costs.
As a Style Coach I see clients of every kind. Those that have cash to splash and those that count their pennies.
Regardless, it's always been on the top of my priorities list when cultivating my services, to offer styling solutions that are jam packed with value that are accessible to the everyday woman.
And the everyday woman doesn't necessarily have a ton of coin to spend on herself, because she's a mum, a saver, a retiree, a grafter.
My clients are the kind of women who aren’t used to investing in themselves and often have little to no idea what a stylist may cost because it’s their first time working with one. Therefore the investment shouldn't come as a shock.
Of course, different stylists work in a variety of ways and charge varied prices, so my info is relevant to me and Inna Moment.
So for those of you considering working with Inna Moment, please visit the Inna Moment services page for further information and pricing.