Dressing Safely?
It is SO hard for so many women to find interesting, flattering, non-frumpy, up-to-date, unique, interesting, clothing that they feel comfortable wearing. And this is often the reason why they find themselves stuck. If you're not sure what to wear, it's just easier to opt for those bland, nondescript clothes, like standard black pants or jeans and a bland, solid coloured top with zero detail, unaccessorised and very little in the way of personality. When you're stuck in a style rut, you don’t love your wardrobe and settle on countless “it’ll do” purchases, without ever considering whether or not it'll look good or if it'll make you feel good. But finding the courage and tools to get out of that boring comfort zone, WILL change the way you feel about yourself, get you compliments and improve the way you look. Playing with clothes, discovering your creative side and enjoying the process of dressing is liberating. Dressing safely and blandly for fear of standing out can make us feel invisible and inconsequential. So stop hiding, playing down your best bits, ignoring all that gorgeousness! Life's too short not to look and feel fabulous every single day. If you feel uninspired with your wardrobe, bored with your style or concerned about your overall look, then Inna Moment has the perfect anecdote. Get in touch.