A Personal Stylist Can Change Your Life
Enlisting the help of a qualified stylist isn't for everyone.
Some people have no desire to to learn new ways to look their best and some are already completely comfortable with their personal style.
BUT there's PLENTY of women who would relish a professional revamping their style, curating their closet or redefining their image . . . and if that's you, read on, because hiring a stylist is a privilege confined to the rich and famous no longer. It is, instead, a service offered to anyone in need of time-and-money-saving styling advice and direction.
It's an experience that can be nothing short of transformative . . . but what more is it about beyond smart clothing and fashion choices?
It's about reinvention . . .
It's never my desire to push my clients far beyond their comfort zone, but I wouldn't be doing my job well if I didn't encourage women to try an enhanced version of themselves, simply by experimenting with different looks. As a professional Image Consultant, it's my job to understand my client's goal and align the transformation based on her desire for either a drastic shift or a more conservative and minor gradual improvement.
It's about restructuring . . .
Organising your wardrobe content through a consultation process should be both fun and theraputic. I have never forced someone to part with anything she didn't want to. My remit is to audit, edit, help YOU to decide what needs discarding and suggesting how to fill in the gaps to create a more cohesive wardrobe. The number of pieces you own might be reduced but the possible combinations to wear will increase dramatically. Wardrobe purging and redesign can be instrumental during a transitional period to a new lifestyle.
It's about identity . . .
Scrutinizing is not my style but taking a good look at your personal style through the keen eyes of a stylist, will help you discover your fashion potential in colours, silhouettes and details that you may never have considered. An in-depth analysis of your image will reveal new things to adopt, such as necklines, hemlines, textures, hues and embellishments that take your personal style to the next level.
It's about confidence . . .
My job is to help you adapt and take ownership of your image, infusing you with the certainty that your appearance always works.
It's about knowledge . . .
Beyond dressing well, I provide clients with practical solutions, advice and tricks that turn your boring outfits into showstoppers.
It's about therapy . . .
As a Style Coach, I take on the role of therapist and confidante. Sometimes all you need to overcome a shitty week is a bit of a makeover and a confidence boosting chat. Positive-energy devoted exclusively to you is mood lifting to anyone. During sessions you are encouraged to play with colours and styles, as well as focus on your needs and desires. It’s not just about what you're wearing, but discovering what you feel wonderful wearing.
It's about penny saving . . .
Without some guidance, some women hold on to some awful shopping habits, but as a stylist, I can train you to avoid unnecessary purchases, overpriced buys, unlucky experiments and repetitions of styles (no one needs 25 plain white t-shirts). You will not only know what flatters, but also where to find it and when it’s value-for-money.
So the point it this . . .
Something as straight-forward as a wardrobe revamp or a personal shopping excursion, with a professional, can trigger wonderfully positive changes in your life. Because feeling confident about your image can get you anywhere.