Simplify Your Get-Ready Routine
As much as we may not like to admit it, appearance matters. Clothes aren't just fashion; they make a lasting statement about who you are.
Presenting yourself to the world the way you would like to be seen, positively enhances your posture, the way you communicate and your confidence.
So here's my top tips to get ready faster, boost your confidence, and make an impression.
Wearing the right hues for your individual skin tone can make you look more awake and approachable. It's important to determine your "go-to" colours and incorporate them into your wardrobe. Any easy way to determine what work best on you is to hold fabrics of different shades to your face. Note which colours make your eyes pop, skin glow and which make you look pale or tired. For example, a blue-eyed blonde with warm skin tones may look best in bright colours such as cobalt blue, lemon yellow, and coral pink. A brown-eyed, dark hair woman with olive undertones may look best in earth tones such as gold, autumn red, and olive green. If you need some advice consult Inna Moment for some advice. Whatever your best colours, start adding them to your wardrobe with accent pieces.
To clear an overcrowded wardrobe, you first need to determine which items you're wearing for the wrong reasons. It might be those pants you're hanging on to because they were expensive, but that just don’t fit right. Or a dress that better reflects your twenty-something style.
First impressions happen only once which is why it's important to regularly reassess your look and update your clothes, accessories and overall look so that your style fits your life-stage. Take the time to find outfits that speak to who you are.
Accessories help round out your core wardrobe pieces and add diversity to your outfits. Repeating outfits is easy when you switch up your accessories. Don't be afraid to go bold. Whether you're wearing dark skinny jeans and a white tee or a shift dress and heels, adding accessories that fit your style is key for tying an outfit together and looking polished.
Ensuring you always look presentable doesn't mean your daily beauty routine needs be high maintenance. Finding the right products for you is the key to achieving a natural and polished look. To save time, use cosmetics that multitask such as a lip stain that doubles as a cheek stain and a BB Cream that provides natural-looking, moisturising agents and sun-protection.
Life is short and so are trends so don't save your "best" favourite pieces for special occasions. Wear clothes that make you feel good and don't spend a lot of time getting ready.