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How to contour and highlight

When applying foundation to your entire face, think of it as essentially priming your blank canvas. You will then want to add the dimension to that canvas. Back in art class we learned that darker shading is used to push an area away while lighter shading is used to pull an area towards you. That’s what you’re doing with your face! Creating the illusion of a stronger jawline, more chiseled cheeks and a slimmer face.

The simplest way to do this is by drawing the letter E on each side of your face to contour and the letter C on each side of your eyes. Read on for a quick tutorial ...

So here's the tools:

1. Cream foundation or Cream Bronzer. Its fine to opt for a cream foundation four or so shades darker than your regular foundation.

2. A Flat-headed foundation brush. This presses the cream into the skin and does all the work for you.

3. Blush/contour brush. Use a natural-bristled round-headed brush for the best blend.

4. Bronzing + highlighting powder. You can certainly buy them separately but I love a dual bronzer + highlight will often save you bucks and is the perfect amount of warmth with a hint of shimmer.

5. Angled contour brush.

Here's the how-to:

1. Once you’ve applied your foundation over your entire face dip your brush into the cream bronzer/darker foundation.

2. Swirl the brush on the back of your hand to take away some of the intensity.

3. Start at the middle of the top of your hairline and begin the letter E by tracing along the perimeter down to your temple.

4. Suck in your cheeks to see exactly where your cheekbones are then continue the middle prong of the letter E by sweeping the brush from your temple to just underneath the cheekbone (to hollow it out).

5. Go back along the underside of your cheekbone to the ear then down to your jawline. Finish the E by sweeping the brush just on and underneath the jawline.

Repeat on the other side.

6. Now swirl off any remainder on a tissue or the back of your hand and use the same brush for the cream highlighter.

7. Draw the letter C by holding the brush in the middle of your forehead just above your brow and outlining the eye all the way to your temple then down under your eye just above your cheekbone. This will pull that area forward and really highlight your eyes.

Repeat on the other side.

8. Take the dry blush brush and go back over the E’s and C’s in swirling motions to really blend it into the skin. You could also use a blender sponge to do this.

9. Finish by grabbing the angled contour brush and going over the E with the bronzing powder and the C with the highlighting powder.

Copyright Inna Moment

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