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Wardrobe Inspiration - questions answered
I get asked more questions about Inna Moment​'s Wardrobe Inspiration sessions than I do any other service, so here's a list of facts you...

Inspirational Champagne Makeover
When I first relocated to Matamata I met a young woman to whom I gifted my styling services. She was in need of a confidence boost and...

Effortlessly Chic
We're all busy. Life is hectic but but the process of looking great isn't and shouldn’t be that complicated. In fact, it really is...

Wardrobe Wednesdays
Wardrobe Staples : Loungewear Tracksuit fan or not, your lived-in comfy-cosy trackies, onesies and hoodies are not only items of...

W A R D R O B E • W E D N E S D A Y S
Wardrobe Staples : Pearls - and lots of them! Before you roll your eyes and think "GRANDMA", hear me out! I'm by no means referring to a...

W A R D R O B E • W E D N E S D A Y S
Wardrobe Staples : A T-Shirt Bra No matter what you wear, or how fabulous your outfit may be, your base layer should never be overlooked....

Wardrobe Inspiration
Planning to have a wardrobe clear out but just not sure what to hold on to and what to part with? Try turning your hangers backwards and...

W A R D R O B E • W E D N E S D A Y S
Wardrobe Staples : Statement Necklaces Not only are statement necklaces the most cost effective, quickest and simplest way to add fun,...

Wardrobe Wednesdays : Wardrobe Essentials No. 2 : Jumpsuits
Wardrobe Essentials No. 2 : Jumpsuits The jumpsuit. A wardrobe staple with an androgynous flair, that works for any occasion - it's the...

There IS a Way Out
Have you ever gone through the motions of a laborious task and then realised when you've already spent AGES on it, that you'd done it...
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