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Shopping Tips
Shopping for clothes is supposed to be a hoot, wonderfully rewarding and regarded as therapy. But for so many women it can be a chore. ....

Foolproof shopping advice
Tell me, how many of you out there have experienced overwhelm, anxiety, nervousness or self judgement when using a store's change room?...

Effective Shopping
I meet so many women that purchase clothes thinking they'll return them if they don't fit, look as good as they did in store etc etc . ....

My Universal Shopping Rule
One of the most asked questions I face as a Style Coach is . . . “How do I shop for myself properly?” Or variations of this. Like : “How...

Lessons in Shopping
I recently took one of my fave clients shopping. She made my job much easier by having a specific colour in mind but as for garment,...

Time to Prioritize YOU
The end of 2017 is fast approaching and the end of another year is the perfect time to start making plans for the year ahead and...

Successful Shopping
When it comes to shopping, I've heard many a tale of frustration from disheartened women and it always irks me that so many struggle with...

Put The Fun Back Into Shopping
Shopping for clothes is supposed to be a hoot! But for so many women it can be a chore. Seriously! I've heard it all - a lack of time,...

Ingenue London
I own about 10 of these beauties so I can most definitely offer an Ingenue London expert opinion. A relatively new fashion label...

the latest & greatest in plus size lingerie
Recent conversations with disheartened women, who believe they'd look "ridiculous" in anything sexy has inspired me to share this with...
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