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Hey young girl . . .
How many of us look back at old photos of ourselves and think "Wow I was attractive, slim, pretty, why didn't I know it then?" I'd say...

Love Your Body
I know I’m not the only one who’s noticed that at the start of a new year there’s always this huge surge in weight loss advertising;...

How To Hide Those 'Problem Areas'
Be honest, no matter what other people might think or say about how gorgeous you are, each and every one of us has some perceived problem...

Tips for improving your self-image
Improving our self-image starts with changing bad habits and learning new ways to think about body positivity. Here's Inna Moment's top...

Why Worry About Your Weight?
Two things I don't believe in as a stylist - measuring my clients and weighing my clients. Your weight and your size have absolutely...
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