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How to rock the dark lip look
Dark lipstick is a trend that comes and goes but it can be tough to pull off. Here's my fool-proof tips to getting it right. 1. The...

How to contour and highlight
When applying foundation to your entire face, think of it as essentially priming your blank canvas. You will then want to add the...

Why fashion jewellery is a must!
I say it ALL. THE. TIME! Statement jewellery is the simplest and most cost effective way to make a fashion statement. Adding a unique...

Brow up
Before considering hiring a personal stylist or image consultant to help you sort your wardrobe and image, here are the 6 most important...

hiring a professional
Before considering hiring a personal stylist or image consultant to help you sort your wardrobe and image, here are the 6 most important...

an unconventional beauty aid
Scotch tape is an unconventional eye stencil beauty aid that will help guide you when applying liquid eye liner and shadows, especially...

destroying to create
Customizing existing garments is one of the most exciting possibilities in fashion and something I personally get much enjoyment from. ...

stretching jeans to fit
Fave jeans too tight this morning? Before you flip out and head for the nearest store to purchase a new pair - read this. Firstly, know...

5 Tips For Better Brows
1. When filling in brows, make tiny hair-like strokes with your brow pencil for a more realistic look. 2. For ultra staying power use a...

incorporating colour the easy way
"I'm too old for bright colours but I don't want to look drab" ... sound like you? Then stop it, right now! NO ONE IS TOO OLD FOR COLOUR!...
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