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Style Advice for Businesses
Every business owner knows that creating a brand is not just about investing in a great logo and the perfect premises. It’s about the...

Brow up
Before considering hiring a personal stylist or image consultant to help you sort your wardrobe and image, here are the 6 most important...

hiring a professional
Before considering hiring a personal stylist or image consultant to help you sort your wardrobe and image, here are the 6 most important...

incorporating colour the easy way
"I'm too old for bright colours but I don't want to look drab" ... sound like you? Then stop it, right now! NO ONE IS TOO OLD FOR COLOUR!...

the latest & greatest in plus size lingerie
Recent conversations with disheartened women, who believe they'd look "ridiculous" in anything sexy has inspired me to share this with...

common misconceptions about personal styling
Often explaining what I do is met with intrigue followed by a stream of questions. For most there is an air of ambiguity around personal...
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