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Quick contouring + highlighting
This quickview is a simplified contouring and highlighting demonstration. It looks pretty easy right? It can be with a little guidance....

Inna Moment was happy to offer one of our Champagne Makeovers to our local primary school's gala day auction in aid of raising funds for...

How to rock the dark lip look
Dark lipstick is a trend that comes and goes but it can be tough to pull off. Here's my fool-proof tips to getting it right. 1. The...

How to contour and highlight
When applying foundation to your entire face, think of it as essentially priming your blank canvas. You will then want to add the...

incorporating colour the easy way
"I'm too old for bright colours but I don't want to look drab" ... sound like you? Then stop it, right now! NO ONE IS TOO OLD FOR COLOUR!...

blue peepers
Blue eye shadow is no longer strictly for runways and fashion spreads. In fact, a blue hue can add instant pop to your peepers and guess...

beauty tips every woman should know
In the world of beauty, there's endless tips to keep you looking gorgeous. Here's my top pick. Always hydrate the skin, moisturising in...

the art of contouring
When it comes to highlighting and contouring, there's a fine (bronzer-caked) line between enhancing your best features and looking like...
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