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New Year - New You!
Inna Moment Styling & Sharlo Jane Photography are offering an indulgent and wonderfully affordable style and image package for 2015. ...

Summer Beauty Tips
Ease up on your normal routine by following these handy hints. * Under a blazing sun, a full face of makeup can run and smudge - not a...

Trend: Animal Prints
Animal prints. Too bold. Too harsh. Too risque. Here's three perfectly good reasons to change your mindset. 1. They're like neutrals -...

Style tips: How to rock a statement necklace
Statement necklaces are a huge trend, and for good reason. The right bit of neck bling can take any outfit to the next level. A sparkly...

Brow up
Before considering hiring a personal stylist or image consultant to help you sort your wardrobe and image, here are the 6 most important...

hiring a professional
Before considering hiring a personal stylist or image consultant to help you sort your wardrobe and image, here are the 6 most important...

an unconventional beauty aid
Scotch tape is an unconventional eye stencil beauty aid that will help guide you when applying liquid eye liner and shadows, especially...

destroying to create
Customizing existing garments is one of the most exciting possibilities in fashion and something I personally get much enjoyment from. ...

stretching jeans to fit
Fave jeans too tight this morning? Before you flip out and head for the nearest store to purchase a new pair - read this. Firstly, know...

incorporating colour the easy way
"I'm too old for bright colours but I don't want to look drab" ... sound like you? Then stop it, right now! NO ONE IS TOO OLD FOR COLOUR!...
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