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Your Greatest Assets
It took far too long for me to appreciate my idiosyncrasies, oddities and quirks. Those little things that make us “weird” and...

How To Hide Those 'Problem Areas'
Be honest, no matter what other people might think or say about how gorgeous you are, each and every one of us has some perceived problem...

What Size Are You?
I was invited to speak with a fabulous group of women last night and one of the topics we discussed was size. I think one of the most...

they all weigh the same
UK blogger and Huffington Post contributor Foz Meadows posted an article to her website with a study claiming that our perception of...

whats your style personality?
Your personality is ultimately what dictates your style, which is your own interpretation of fashion and how you like to wear clothes....

figure flattering tips
Let's be honest, in today’s society it’s tough trying to escape having a body hang-up or two and though inna moment is all about...
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