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hiring a professional
Before considering hiring a personal stylist or image consultant to help you sort your wardrobe and image, here are the 6 most important...

destroying to create
Customizing existing garments is one of the most exciting possibilities in fashion and something I personally get much enjoyment from. ...

stretching jeans to fit
Fave jeans too tight this morning? Before you flip out and head for the nearest store to purchase a new pair - read this. Firstly, know...

incorporating colour the easy way
"I'm too old for bright colours but I don't want to look drab" ... sound like you? Then stop it, right now! NO ONE IS TOO OLD FOR COLOUR!...

glam it up girls!
I was mooching around a little town near to my home recently and couldn't help but notice how much black women were wearing - I had to...

a fashion challenge for you …
think about what else you could do with your clothing, for example, how would it completely change your outfit by wearing your skirt a...
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